
Recherche des archives

Neeley, Paul LPeople of the Drum of God—Come!1999Publications in EthnographyAnthropology, Linguistics
Abbot, ElinorCultural aids for translators: The ANQR charts1986Notes on TranslationAnthropology
Mbuagbaw, Tanyi EyongApparent fallacies in some Kenyang proverbs2000Notes on SociolinguisticsAnthropology
Kenmogne, MichelUn Exemple de Formulation Théologique en Contexte : Étude D’un Hymne Chrétien en Ghomala’ du Cameroun2017Anthropology, Arts and Ethnomusicology, Scripture Engagement
Noss, Philip A., editorGrafting Old Rootstock: Studies in Culture and Religion of the Chamba, Duru, Fula, and Gbaya of Cameroun1982Publications in EthnographyAnthropology
Lienhard, RuthRestoring relationships: theological reflections on shame and honor among the Daba and Bana of Cameroon2000Anthropology
Schrag, Brian EdwardHow Bamiléké music-makers create culture in Cameroon2005Anthropology, Arts and Ethnomusicology
Trudell, JoelBible translation and social literacies among four Nso' churches in Cameroon: an ethnographic study2004Anthropology, Sociolinguistics
Anderson, Stephen CSkulls, gods and revenge in Bamileke1986Notes on AnthropologyAnthropology
Hollingsworth, Kenneth RAn evaluation of the responses of the Mofu-Gudur to the Headland questionnaire1986Notes on AnthropologyAnthropology
Ntumngia, Zaccheus F. and Joseph N. MfonyamBafut proverbs2004Anthropology
Higgens, KathleenRitual and symbol in Baka life history1985Anthropology and Humanism QuarterlyAnthropology
Annett, MaryExploring urban mother-tongue literacy1984Anthropology, Literacy and Education