
Recherche des archives

Hedinger, Robert; Njeck, MathausBaba 1 Orthography Guide2006Linguistics, Literacy and Education
Wright, JenniferTone in the Verb Phrase in Chrambo (Bambalang)2011Linguistics
Luider, JenniferA Phonological Sketch of the Bambalang (Chrambo) Language2009Linguistics
Wright, Jennifer; Grove, DanBambalang (Chrambo) Orthography Guide2012Linguistics, Literacy and Education
Tabah, Grace; Mkounga Tala BlaiseNaami Orthography Guide2023Linguistics, Literacy and Education
Boutwell, Richard L.A grammar of Nchane: A Bantoid (Beboid) language of Cameroon2020LOT dissertationsLinguistics