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Ernst, UrsLe groupe verbal et ses éléments on kakɔ (1ère partie)1998Linguistics
Ramirez, CristiThe Kenyang noun phrase1998Linguistics
Mbuagbaw, Tanyi EyongKenyang lexicon1998Linguistics
Heath, Daniel; Heath, TeresaA preliminary grammar sketch of the Makaa noun modifiers and pronouns1998Linguistics
Wilkendorf, PatriciaAdverbial clauses in Nɔmaándɛ́ narrative discourse1998Linguistics
Kinnaird, William; Kinnaird, AnnukkaOuldeme narrative discourse: outline of principal features1998Linguistics
Patman, FrankieSyntactic encoding of informational distinctions in Nugunu1998Linguistics
Gravina, RichardMbuko Provisional Orthography1998Linguistics
Seguin, Lawrence M.A preliminary stratificational analysis of some Denya (ALCAM 882) morphological and syntactic structures1998Linguistics
Harro, Gretchen; Haynes, Nancy R.Notes on discourse features of Yemba narrative texts1998Linguistics