
Recherche des archives

Hedinger, RobertReview of: The Londo word: Its phonological and morphological structure, by Julianna Kuperus1987Journal of African Languages and LinguisticsLinguistics
Watters, John RReview of: Les classes nominales dans se bantou des Grassfields. L’expansion bantoue, vol. 1 (Numéro special 9), Larry M. Hyman and Jan Voorhoeve, editors1982Journal of African Languages and LinguisticsLinguistics
Richards, Russell MReview of: Noni grammatical structure, with special reference to verb morphology, by Larry M. Hyman1983Journal of African Languages and LinguisticsLinguistics
Longacre, Robert EReview of: Modes in Dényá discourse, by Samson Negbo Abangma1989Journal of African Languages and LinguisticsLinguistics
Anderson, Stephen CReview of: Études vouté (langue bantoïde du Cameroun), by Gladys Guarisma1982Journal of African Languages and LinguisticsLinguistics