
Gwanjɔ Kamaron kɛ Naŋjeriya

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Issue Date:
20 pages
8 images
Big Book created during the Teachers Review Training in Batouri 2008. The story is about a young Cameroonian that travels to Nigeria to by things to sell in the market. He gets hungry, but can't read English. He finally finds a restaurant by looking and finding a place where people were eating. He just has to point to a menu- item without be able to read it. He gets green leaves and couscous (very ordinary foods). But the man next to him is eating chicken. When that man orders the same: "Again", the Cameroonian thinks that Again means chicken, so he shouts "Egen"... and gets more leaves and couscous. Not until he starts flapping his arms like wings and imitates the sound of a chicken, can he make himself understood. The point of the story: One should learn to read and write and speak other languages.
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