
“God”, a linguistic Concept – Towards an ethno-linguistic Philosophy of Thought and Conscience

Issue Date:
God and Language Forum, SIL International 28 September - 1 October, 2020
8 pages; 5 slides
This paper examines the relationship of thought and conscience and the interplay of language and the concept of “God”. Language is an external expression of thought and conscience. Conscience--nurtured by enculturation and environment--reflects cross-generational tradition. Thought is both a physical function of the brain and the process that expresses the self or group identity. Religion is a social notion that addresses the ideal of a superior power: “God” in monotheisitc theologies. Languages transmit the biblical revelation of God and the message of inclusion for all ethnicities in the Messiah’s offer of salvation; by language the faithful express their fellowship. In the centre of this faith system stands Scripture as the formerly oral and later written testimony of “God”. Thus, language as the outward expression of thought and conscience transports the ideas of “God” through people.
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