
Effective Partnership: SIL Cameroun, the National Commission of UNESCO, MINEDUB for the Book Writing Contest


In thinking about how to make International Literacy Day an advocacy event and a springboard for writing and reading in the national language, the idea for the book contest was born. This idea responds to SIL Cameroon's desire to see more excitement around reading and writing in general among Cameroonians of all ages and to value those who write and read in the national language.

The idea of the book writing contest has found receptive hearts among SIL Cameroon staff, the Cameroonian government at the Ministry of Basic Education, with whom we celebrate International Literacy Day, and the public, including students, adults and families. 

For SIL Cameroon, this contest was an open door. It allowed us to work more closely with the Ministry of Basic Education and brought innovation to the celebration of the International Literacy Day. We also found an open door of sponsorship from the National Commission of UNESCO that led us in a discussion on how we could continue to partner in the future to develop literacy amongst communities in Cameroon. 

We started good partnerships as well with two publishing houses that promote material in Cameroonian languages.

Of course, it also gave more visibility for us as an organization and for literacy in the national languages on national television and radio. It also gave lots of value to the work done in these languages and the people who are actively developing them.

48 manuscripts were submitted. 14 different languages were represented. The first 3 in each category were awarded. They came from 4 different regions of the country. 

Testimony of a participant: "It was really worthwhile to participate in this contest. And with the ranking, it is a recognition in the community of the work we do..."