
Recherche des archives

Pohlig, Annie W. and James N. PohligFurther thoughts on four discourse particles in Mandara1994SIL International Publications in LinguisticsLinguistics
Fluckiger, Cheryl and Annie WhaleyA proposed writing system for the Mandara language1981Linguistics
Fluckiger, Cheryl and Annie WhaleyFour discourse particles in Mandara1983Linguistics
Fluckiger, Cheryl and Annie WhaleyThe uses of three prepositions in Mandara1981Africana MarburgensiaLinguistics
Doucha, Andre; Djougoudoum, Jean; Kanday, Philippe; Lade, TimothéeTsaha ndaha wakita 12009
Haman, Oumaté; Nouhou, Amadou; Pohlig, Annie W.Vocabulaire de base en quatre langues: wandala, fulfulde, français, anglais1991Linguistics
Kofiné, PhilippeFa slema á bariki á Amerika ge zhara antara fanu dala ge ire ge tsufa ire atuge lapikire COVID-19 : Dabari-aha á ge tsufa ire atuge lapikire-aha2020
Dictionnaire Wandala2023Linguistics
Perrin, MonaThe kingdom of heaven where the sky is not the limit1999Notes on TranslationTranslation